Biennial 2024 – Critical Geography – ten by ten 10×10 – artist reception

FotoFest appreciates and values its dedicated volunteers, who are vital to supporting its mission. Over the last three and a half decades, FotoFest has worked with thousands of volunteers from the United States and worldwide. Volunteers typically assist with:

  • Gallery hosting (weekdays and weekends)
  • Public events and programs
  • Special events and receptions

FotoFest appreciates and values its dedicated volunteers, who are vital to supporting its mission.

Over the last three and a half decades, FotoFest has worked with thousands of volunteers from the United States and worldwide. Volunteers typically assist with:

  • Gallery hosting (weekdays and weekends)
  • Public events and programs
  • Special events and receptions

Having a background in art or photography is not required. All we need is your enthusiasm, generosity, support, and willingness to learn new things. If you possess those traits and are over the age of 18, we invite you to join our volunteer corps, where you will learn about FotoFest and meet others with similar interests.

Having a background in art or photography is not required. All we need is your enthusiasm, generosity, support, and willingness to learn new things.

If you possess those traits and are over the age of 18, we invite you to join our volunteer corps, where you will learn about FotoFest and meet others with similar interests.

Image Credit
Ten by Ten: Ten Portfolios from the Meeting Place 2022–23 Artist Reception, 2024. Houston, TX. Photo: Tere Garcia